
Showing posts from July, 2011

Merrill Gay's Velomobile

Here's our fearless PGA member (and blog creator), Merrill Gay in his shiny new velomobile, at rest. Take a good look, because he will not be at rest for much longer, as he is about to leave on a trip across the USA with other velomobilists from here and abroad. It's not all by pedal power, however; there is a small electric motor on board to help power the velomobile uphill or on level ground if one is feeling tired one day. I imagine there will be many tiring days, as they are doing this trip averaging 130 miles per day. Please keep Merrill and his fellow riders in your thoughts and prayers for a fabulous and safe journey. Maybe we can expect a personal report (with photos) upon his return. In the meantime, you can follow his progress here .

Smiles and old bicycles

This is what the smart woman rode back in the day when the bicycle was new. It was known as the "safety bicycle". The guys liked a little more of a risk, so they rode the "high wheeler", alternatively known as the"bone shaker", or the "penny farthing (the larger wheel in front being the "penny", compared to the smaller wheel in back being the "farthing", both coins of the realm in the UK at the time of the introduction of the bicycle). These photos are of cyclists today who still like to ride these things. They were taken at a recent event in Southington. Whatever sort of bike you prefer doesn't matter, so long as you ride. If you ride on the trail, watch out for that gap in Plainville (known as the "hole in the donut"). If you ride on the road, ride safely and be: PREDICTABLE, ALERT, VISIBLE and ASSERTIVE (PAVA)!