Route 6 Trail Crossing in Farmington?
It can happen here, if there is the will for it amongst local citizens and trail users that will get the politicians and the DOT moving in this direction. I have been told, by those with more experience with local trail building than I have, that to include a bridge in the trail design guarantees considerable additional cost for construction and delays in obtaining approvals, both the result of DOT involvement in the process. I know that such was the case at the Salmon Brook bridge in Granby, CT. By the time that project was finally into construction, the cost was $140,000 over the amount the Town had received in funding. This difference was funded from generous contributions of several trail organizations (made possible by members like you) and by some creativity of the Town itself.
Let's hope that when our turn comes to close the gaps in Plainville and Farmington, the necessary will will be there.
One additional thought. In order to reduce costs, perhaps design and engineering costs could be underwritten by one of the corporations located in the office park alongside the trail south of the proposed bridge crossing. The one that comes first to my mind is Trumpf, primarily because they seem to be an organization that cares about good design (one need only visit the Farmington campus to witness this). Perhaps some "naming rights" for the bridge could be worked out.
And, as it turns out, I also happen to have a set of construction drawing for this bridge in my possession, the result of a lengthy process with lots of help from folks along the way. Here is one of those drawings:
Oh well, what would life be if we couldn't dream, and why not dream big dreams while we are at it? If you think this is a good idea, please let others know by clicking here, or let the Farmington Town Manager know by email at:
One additional thought. In order to reduce costs, perhaps design and engineering costs could be underwritten by one of the corporations located in the office park alongside the trail south of the proposed bridge crossing. The one that comes first to my mind is Trumpf, primarily because they seem to be an organization that cares about good design (one need only visit the Farmington campus to witness this). Perhaps some "naming rights" for the bridge could be worked out.
And, as it turns out, I also happen to have a set of construction drawing for this bridge in my possession, the result of a lengthy process with lots of help from folks along the way. Here is one of those drawings: